jeudi 9 mars 2017



The library is going strong in our new premises, 25 new members since the Grand Opening on November 5th & counting. We are feathering our nest with various purchases (vacuum cleaner/steamer to keep the place clean, book stands for better presentation of selected books, new boxes for the book sale for easier handling, etc.) As our finances are flourishing at the moment we want to do some « back ordering » by which we mean either earlier books of authors you like or an addition to an incomplete series  (for example we have just ordered « The Shadow of the Wind »  the 1st volume of Carlos Ruiz Zafon’s brilliant trilogy, « The Cemetery of Forgotten Books. We already have the other two). Please send lists of books or authors you would like to find in the library. We don’t want to be dogmatic about an author (who have their ups & downs) but there are additions to be made. Send an email to   but consult the catalogue first. This is easy if you go to the Foal blog (click on link at the bottom of the email). The lists will be sent to the Selection Committee. Speaking of which, we think it would be a good idea to invite interested members to a book choosing session (the next one will be held sometime in April) We will do this on an alphabetical order, rota basis. Email to same address if you wish to join a session. (this involves quite a lot of work, perusal of catalogue & log book to learn about readers’ tastes, searching for reviews from various publications, etc.)
We would like you to send a list to before bringing books to donate to the library. You obviously have some interesting books to donate which can either be added to the collection or go into the book sale BUT we are also confronted with books that have fallen into the bath or are falling apart & too often, chestnuts that we are then encumbered with. So PLEASE, lists from now on. We can no longer accept spontaneous offerings.
 English conversation
Two of our members (Liz Davison & Susannah Hill) have kindly volunteered to hold English conversation sessions  (dates in library). This is becoming popular & has allowed us to glean a new member or two & give something back to the community. We might need another volunteer next year as Susannah will be returning to England in the autumn.
We would love to see children sitting on the carpets leafing through our large collection of children’s books (which we have thanks to donations). We came up with the idea of visiting crèches to tell them about the library & I also asked for an appointment at City Hall to meet the person in charge of such things. She were really interested & sent out the information. Our friend Kath Joly has already visited two crèches, taking along a few books from the children’s collection & doing a little presentation. We hope this will bring along some interested parents with their children.
 Annual General Meeting & party for Foal members
 Our friends Françoise has once again offered to hold our AGM and summer party in her lovely garden. The date is 24th June so put this in your diaries. Direction to venue nearer the time. We decided three years ago that a party was the best way to increase attendance at the AGM. We keep it pretty informal & soon  move on to the drinks & eats ! Foal provides the drinks & participants bring the food. We just need to keep our fingers crossed for good weather !

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