mercredi 5 octobre 2016


Lots of news this time.  Foal will be moving into a new phase of its life with the move to 23 rue Lakanal (planned for mid October, followed by a Grand Opening and Book Sale). The premises is being thoroughly renovated by City Hall, we are currently waiting for the flooring to be laid and the new plumbing put in. Then we shall be able to organise the move, re-shelving and general organising of the new place. (volunteers  welcome)  Of course, you will be informed of the date of the Grand Opening. One of our members, Murielle, who teaches in a college, has found us tables and chairs which the college was getting rid of. This will be a big saving. Thank you Murielle.

Antigone des Associations

Dedicated volunteers staffed our stand and we garnered a lot of email addresses of interested people to whom info will be sent.

Staffing the library

Opening hours will be enlarged in the new premises and volunteers from membership are welcome (email to    ) We plan to open every Wednesday from 3pm to 6pm and the 1st and 3rd Saturday each month from 10am to 12.30. Board members will staff through until end of January and I plan to hold a meeting in January with volunteers and board members to sketch out staffing until the summer break.

New books

A new order has been placed and the books will be in the library for the G.O. We shall open a Children’s Section with books provided through donations, so if you have any interesting children’s books in good condition, you can bring them along.


There will be a raffle at the party and prizes are starting to come in. If you have anything in your attic which would make a good prize, don’t hesitate to donate. Please try and buy plenty of tickets, you can buy for friends who want to support the library. Even if they don’t belong to Foal they might want to support you.

Concert at Domaine d’O

An English group of singers called VOCES 8 (from classical to jazz to American crooners, a capella) will be coming to the Domaine d’O on 28th March. I have taken an option for Foal for 15 tickets. I will remind you nearer the time but if you are interested, do send me an email  so that I can get an idea about numbers. Special price 12 euros

Grand Opening & Super Book Sale

According to the latest information, the renovation should be finished by the third week in October which would enable us to move and set up in week 25th -29th. Then we would have a normal opening on Wednesday 2nd November and the Grand Opening on Saturday 5th November. This is the best case scenario, the worst case is move on 31st October and GO on 12th November with a normal opening on 9th November (we would rather not have people bringing back books on day of GO so that we can concentrate on the Book Sale and signing up new members). You will be kept informed. Refreshments and biscuits will be on offer