vendredi 4 octobre 2019






The library is back to normal after the summer break. The updated catalogue is online on the blog and we shall very soon be ordering new books. One book from the last order which has only just arrived  « The Testaments » by Margaret Atwood which is a follow up to « The Handmaid’s Tale » 35 years later !

The suggestion table is popular, we change the books regularly but you can also participate by suggesting books .



Our famous Christmas Party will be held on Friday 13th December at the library starting at 6.30. It could well be your lucky day for the RAFFLE  We already have some super prizes

Looking forward to seeing you in the library soon                                                                                                                                                                                                       

PS Normally there are some fun graphics in the Newsletter but they won't transfer from my document???

mardi 1 octobre 2019

The new catalogue is now online !!!

The new catalogue (Title Alphabetical Order) is now online. To download it, just click Here.
Also available : Author Alphabetical Order Here.

Click on “télécharger avec votre navigateur” (download to browser) and then on “ouvrir” (open) or "Enregistrer le fichier" (to save it on your computer).