dimanche 30 septembre 2018




     Antigone des Associations

We had a lot of sign-ups for the « Welcome Drinks » but not a lot of takers on the evening of the event (21st September) so all the sign-ups were contacted (email & text message) for a replay on the 28th & two couples turned up. Conclusion : having a stand at the Antigone des Associations is a waste of time & effort of the volunteers who staff the stand. Next year, we will ask another association to put FOAL flyers on their stand & leave it at that.


Conversation sessions

Our friend Barbara Arhel has kindly agreed to hold conversation sessions on Tuesdays during term time from 14.30-15.30. These sessions are for Foal members & represent a plus but not the main reason for joining the library. Barbara is a volunteer & may not always be available. The sessions will start on Tuesday 2nd October


Opening hours

We would like to have your opinion on opening hours. We are thinking of changing them slightly because there are times when there are no visitors. We suggest closing half an hour early on Wednesdays (15-17.30) & opening half an hour later on the Saturday openings (10.30-12.30).

Please send an email to foal34@gmail.com with your opinion


New books

The new books will be in the library mid October. You will find a hard copy of the updated catalogue in the library & online. I know most of you have never visited the blog (all you need to do is click on the link at the bottom of the email). You will find the catalogue there


Donations children’s books

If you have any children’s books to donate to the library, please bring them along, any other books, please send a list