As the dates before Christmas
were taken we decided to hold a 12th night party.
We had lots of sign ups &
about 30 people attended (some had been prevented because of a nasty virus).
There was a wonderful spread of delicious food (Foal members are excellent
cooks) . Kath Claringbull organised a singalong to the carol « The 12th night
of Christmas » which was quite à propos. Then our friend Phil Claringbull
put on his Father Christmas hat & drew the raffle prizes which were
numerous again this year. I actually took quite a lot of photos but my camera
played up so I only have two, of the spread. This was taken before all the food
had arrived by which time the table was almost too small to hold it all.
Our famous literary quiz will
take place on Friday
2nd February at l’Espace
Martin Luther King 27 Bvd Louis Blanc
Montpellier. Let’s hope we won’t have
the same misadventure as last year when we arrived at the venue to set
things up to find it closed (we had not been warned). Luckily there is another
venue not too far away & thanks to the brilliant work of our board members we were able to hold the quiz there.
Doors open at 5.45pm so that
you have time to get a drink in hand before the 6.15 start. You will be given a
playing card which will indicate which team to join. After the quiz we will
have time to socialise. Foal provides the drinks & nibbles & all we ask
of you is a small contribution of 5 euros per person which you put in an
envelope & pop into the donation box. We look forward to seeing you all