mardi 22 mai 2018

Comédie du Livre newsletter



The Comédie du Livre takes place this weekend on the Esplanade. This year the main guests are Dutch & Flemish authors although, of course, other nationalities are invited too.

I have noted three events that might interest Foal members :


Friday 25th a « literary discussion » with the American author James Morrow at the Musée Fabre auditorium at 11am


An « English breakfast » with Jenny Colgan on Saturday 26th on the terrace of the Mercury hotel at 11am (we don’t know this author, from the description of her œuvre it sounds rather like « chick lit »)


Also on Saturday at 7pm at the Panacée auditorium a discussion with Herman Koch whose bestseller « The Dinner » we have in the library. He is Dutch but I imagine he will be interviewed in English.


The Bookshop will  have a stand & they usually have English-speaking authors  there.