samedi 8 mars 2014

Book Quiz photo

We didn't get a general view of the Book Quiz but we did get a lovely photo of our two prettiest members who are happy to have it posted here

dimanche 2 mars 2014



Great fun was had by all last Friday 28th February at the Book Quiz, due to the excellent work and organisation of Philippe Marchand and Katharine and Philip Claringbull and the very enthusiastic audience who had much enjoyment answering the questions. Roll on next year !

Upcoming events

First on the agenda a special Book Sale on 12th March, the closest opening day to the 6 March World Book Day. So on the 12th  if you buy two books, you get another one free. As you know, any money raised goes straight into the book  budget.

The next event which should  be of interest to many Foal members are the semi-finals and finals of the schools debating societies (in English, of course) which take place on April 11th at the CRDP (Allée de la Citadelle, near the Lycée Joffre) starting at 1.30pm.

Now for our big event : the WW1 Commemoration to be held on 23rd May at 6.30pm at the Salle des Rencontres in the new Town Hall. Your president has been able to negotiate this venue and also what is called « un verre de l’amitié » (in other words drinks and nibbles) provided by the Town Hall itself. We are hoping for a big turnout, well beyond just Foal and supporters.

We are currently working on content but just to give you an idea the event will take the form of readings, poems, songs and photos to commemorate the Great War.

I am hoping that holding the event at the Town Hall and the interest that has been shown by various councillors as well as the mayor will really put our association on the map and in a strong position for permanent premises. At any rate, that has been my guiding principle in the efforts I have made to organise this.

Although official Spring is not quite here yet, I am sure we all have Spring in our hearts and I know we all have a spring in our step !