We held our Annual General Meeting in June. Our accounts should be healthy for the coming year thanks to a grant we have received from the Mairie. As you will know if you follow the blog, there has been quite a lot of activity since our last AGM. Foal has organised the Christopher Crimes talk, the Literary Quiz which was a great success and which will become an annual event, we have enhanced the collection with the "100 Best Novels of the XX century" and we add recent literature to the collection on a regular basis. We had a successful partnership with the Mairie at the Comédie du Livre and enjoyed our talks with two of the visiting authors. We held a Book Sale before our move to our temporary premises and there is a permanent book sale at the library. The new opening hours are on the first Saturday of every month from 10-12.30 and the second and fourth Wednesday of every month from 3-6pm at Place de la Chapelle Neuve in Montpellier.
The regular Book Chat meetings are very popular. There are one or two events in the works and you will be informed in due time. Our next objective is to find permanent premises, if you have any suggestions, please contact us at foal@dbmail.com
Photos taken at the AGM
Membership is down, probably because some people joined in the first flush to show support for our efforts, we still need you so don't hesitate to ask us for information about how to join. Even if you are not a great bibliophile, you can participate in our events, happily we have a very active Board and we do try hard to keep up the good work.