mercredi 21 mai 2014



·        Some sad news to begin with. We have been obliged to cancel our World War 1 event for various reasons, one being that the Salle des Rencontres at City Hall was not suitable for our purposes. I was hoping the event would really put us on the map as far as City Hall is concerned. With the cancellation and the change of Mayor and his team, I shall have to start over again on the front of applying for premises but I shall pursue tenaciously as is my wont.

·        New address website : our provider no longer hosting us for free, we have changed the address of the website which is now :

·        Readership Survey : a survey of regular readers has shown that they are satisfied with frequency and choice of books. We shall be ordering new books soon, to be in the library before the summer break.

·        Art Fell has successfully completed his compilation of the 10 Best Novels of the 1st decade of the 20th century. His write-up will be sent to you by separate mail. Many thanks to Art and Phil Marchand for leading the project.

·        Foire aux Associations : we will have a FOAL stand this year. The Foire aux Associations will be on Sunday 14th September and we will be sending out a call for volunteers to man the stand nearer the time.

·        We wanted to change venues for a picnic in June but found nothing suitable. However, one Domaine we were able to contact suggested the following meal on Sunday 25th of May at the Domaine de Saumarez. Kick off is at noon with an aperitif, then there is a meal which consists of brasucade de moules, mechouis d'agneau, camambert à la braise, mignardise et café. Wines are available at cellar door prices . 25 euros for the meal. You can visit the site for details of how to get there, 10 kilometres from Montpellier.

·        Annual General Meeting : to be held on 12th June at 6pm at Martin Luther King. As usual, Foal will be providing drinks and nibbles afterwards. We do hope lots of members will attend. It is a nice way to get together mid year.



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